What are smart contracts for?
Imagine that you need to sell a pack of shares. In the legacy world it is a process which entails paperwork, communication with different firms such as stockbrokers, lawyers and various people and involves a number of risks. That’s why the absolute majority of investors decide to find an agent, broker, exchange or generally a service provider, who deals with all the formalities and acts as an intermediary, overseeing the deal until it’s closed.
Mauro Andriotto tiene una discussione con Sergio Luciano di “SOS investire”. Mauro confronta diverse fonti di finanziamento, tra cui fondi di venture capital, piattaforme di crowdfunding, borsa e un nuovo strumento: la blockchain e i titoli digitali. Il progetto Bitminer, del Gruppo Angeli di Firenze, è un esempio di strutturazione di un’offerta di azioni digitali.
Unlike IPOs which require an arduous and expensive process with many middlemen and brokers, STOs are easy to pull off
Unlike IPOs which require an arduous and expensive process with many middlemen and brokers, STOs are easy to pull off.
IPO and STO are identical in their objective and effect. Both aim to raise capital in return for a security. The security can be an equity, preferred stock, bond or any other instrument that gives rights on income and claims on the assets of the issuer in the form of debt or liquidation equity.
Security tokens represent investments or an investment contract into an underlying investment asset, such as stocks, bonds, funds and unit trusts.
Security tokens represent investments or an investment contract into an underlying investment asset, such as stocks, bonds, funds and unit trusts.
The Swiss Commercial Register has given the green light for the first incorporation of a company for an initial public offering (IPO) of tokenized shares on a blockchain.
The Swiss Commercial Register has given the green light for the first incorporation of a company for an initial public offering (IPO) of tokenized shares on a blockchain.