Innovative fundraising and entrepreneurship through blockchain are a perfect match and EDSX is fully compromised to every aspect of this financial revolution and digital transformation. Join us to know more about the global blockchain ascension and innovative fundraising alternatives.
OverFuture is live
Your name Your email Subject Your message (optional) This form uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your data is processed. EDSX is excited to announce the opening of a new project to the public. OverFuture is now live. This project is dedicated to Industry 4.0 services: Internet of Things (IoT), AI, Big Data, Blockchain… Continue reading Blog & News
Security tokens are an innovative way of holding real assets, which can be in the form of traditional stocks or bonds. They offer a variety of advantages to all token holders and an additional layer of security in comparison to the very popular over the past several years ICOs.
The path to adoption for blockchains in capital markets requires clearing a number of hurdles as our experience in developing EDSX clearly shows. The technology requires further development to be truly scalable, as well as common standards to be agreed. As we are not certain about the future direction we have inbuilt sufficient flexibility and modularity in our solution both from information and financial point of view. This is the only solution to tackle and make use of uncertainty at this stage.