Key differences between primary market and secondary market also on the security token-based financial and investment system.
EDSX – European Digital Assets Exchange
Key differences between primary market and secondary market also on the security token-based financial and investment system.
Security tokens are an innovative way of holding real assets, which can be in the form of traditional stocks or bonds. They offer a variety of advantages to all token holders and an additional layer of security in comparison to the very popular over the past several years ICOs.
The path to adoption for blockchains in capital markets requires clearing a number of hurdles as our experience in developing EDSX clearly shows. The technology requires further development to be truly scalable, as well as common standards to be agreed. As we are not certain about the future direction we have inbuilt sufficient flexibility and modularity in our solution both from information and financial point of view. This is the only solution to tackle and make use of uncertainty at this stage.
Imagine that you need to sell a pack of shares. In the legacy world it is a process which entails paperwork, communication with different firms such as stockbrokers, lawyers and various people and involves a number of risks. That’s why the absolute majority of investors decide to find an agent, broker, exchange or generally a service provider, who deals with all the formalities and acts as an intermediary, overseeing the deal until it’s closed.
Mauro Andriotto tiene una discussione con Sergio Luciano di “SOS investire”. Mauro confronta diverse fonti di finanziamento, tra cui fondi di venture capital, piattaforme di crowdfunding, borsa e un nuovo strumento: la blockchain e i titoli digitali. Il progetto Bitminer, del Gruppo Angeli di Firenze, è un esempio di strutturazione di un’offerta di azioni digitali.
The business life cycle is the progression of a business in phases over time and is most commonly divided into five stages: launch, growth, shake-out, maturity, and decline.
Switzerland, which is known for their superb banking system and strict regulations, was one of the first in the world that started explicitly to exercise control on ICO/STO issuance and crypto fundraising.
The tokenization of assets and resources enables quicker, cost-effective, and increasing in functionality configurations.
Cryptocurrency, tokens and coins are traded on two types of exchanges — centralised (CEX) and decentralised (DEX). There has been a lot of speculation on whether centralisation, as a phenomenon, is relevant in the realm of crypto.
Unlike IPOs which require an arduous and expensive process with many middlemen and brokers, STOs are easy to pull off.