The digitalization and NFT rise is drastically expanding the traditional industry boundaries. Digital ecosystems allow an increasing number of sectors to converge to newer, broader, as well as more dynamic alignments. While taking part in this transformation, businesses use sensors, artificial intelligence, internet of things (IoT), and others. Among the most promising waves of digitalization is blockchain, a breakthrough technology suggested to dictate entire new markets driven by the digitalization and NFT rise.
With the rise of blockchain, new solutions arise quickly, and decentralized finance becomes an increasingly attractive market. Information in the blockchain can be verified by means of tokens. A token can be interpreted as the digital representation of an asset in the blockchain, with two main types of tokens: fungible, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Fungible tokens are identical and interchangeable (fiat currency, for i.e.). Non-fungible tokens are unique and non- interchangeable (such as notarial instruments, artwork collectables, videos, in-game items and music), which allow traceability of unique physical or non-physical possessions [1].
The breakthrough ability of the NFTs is to translate a unit of data stored on a blockchain into a unique and not interchangeable digital certificate, that is, an unbreakable digital fingerprint for something unique. Each NFT has an identifier, therefore, not directly allowing interchangeability with other types of tokens, but easily being bought and sold on digital marketplaces.
The NFT notion emerged in the early 2010s but gained notorious attention this year. The scope of the NFT world can extend as far as your imagination, to basically anything with proof of ownership; a unique digital artwork, an essay, an in-game item, a digital collectible, a domain name, an event ticket, a coupon, and so on. In March (2021), an NFT for a digital artwork by a US artist nicknamed Beeple was sold for nearly $70 million, with the market reaching a 30-day sales record of $325 billion in early May [2]. The fashion industry is also going head over heels for NFTs. But how and when arts, fashion and other markets and crypto merge, exactly?
Non-Fungible Tokens take their name seriously. As the word means unique and irreplaceable, like a rare painting, so too do these digital tokens own singular value. The artist creating digital art claims sole ownership over their intellectual property. An exclusive digital signature protects this, making imitation practically impossible. Blockchain and smart contracts now empower content creators in new ways. Many foresee NFTs shaping the future of creative works. No longer must artists rely solely on galleries or publishers. Technology has redistributed power directly into the hands of those who conceive original ideas and bring them to life. A new digital marketplace has opened, one where art transcends physical limitation and authenticity remains verifiably tied to its source. Overall, the arts may never be the same again thanks to this innovative blending of creativity and code.
Innovative solutions through blockchain, increased security and increased liquidity are among EDSX core values. We are fully compromised to every aspect of the financial revolution. Soon we will be the first platform in Europe with primary and secondary markets for both institutional and retail invests. Come join us in the financial revoluation; its digitalization and NFT rise.
[1] J. Arcenegui, R. Arjona, R. Román, and I. Baturone, “Secure combination of iot and blockchain by physically binding iot devices to smart non-fungible tokens using pufs,” Sensors, vol. 21, no. 9, 2021, doi: 10.3390/s21093119.
[2] N. Jones, “How scientists are embracing NFTs,” Nature, vol. 594, no. 7864, pp. 481–482, Jun. 2021, doi: 10.1038/d41586-021-01642-3.
Based in Zug, the platform is fully compliant with all Swiss laws related to financial intermediaries, banking, anti-money laundering, and organized trading facilities. Among its core values, there are innovative solutions through blockchain technology, which ensures security and liquidity.
EDSX is the first platform in Europe with primary and secondary markets for both institutional and retails. EDSX is a pioneering platform that employs the world’s leading technology to globally list security tokens in both primary and secondary markets, listing digital securities of real financial instruments to the public with a decentralized peer-to-peer exchange. Our goal is to fully engage every aspect of the financial revolution.
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